The Top Contributor Network of


The mozilla/pdf.js repository has seen many improvements from its contributors since it was created.

The visual below shows all of the contributors to pdf.js and focuses on the contributors that have made the most commits and/or are supported through ORCA (the "Open Retrospective Compensation Agreement"). Revealing how they are involved with other repositories as well.

The commits by these contributors, make up of the total number of commits made to pdf.js.

  • contributors that are supported via ORCA
  • top contributors not supported via ORCA
  • remaining contributors

These top contributors are separated into two outer rings. In the inner ring we find those that have been supported via ORCA for their work on pdf.js. Whereas in the outer ring we find those that have not.

In the center we focus on the connections amongst contributors. Where we can find those repositories that multiple contributors have worked on (and the owners, if there is more than one of their repos present).

Explore the ecosystem of open source projects that are touched by the top contributors to pdf.js. See how the impact of ORCA could reach far wider than just that one repository.

A full explanation on how to read the network can be found just below the visual.


A short visual legend for the network

TL;DR | Below you can read the full details on the many ways data has been woven into this visual, but in essence its shows how top contributors to mozilla/pdf.js are connected to the (other) repositories that they have made commits to.

COLOR | The central repository that the visual is based on is shown in purple in the center. The contributors to this repository are pink. Even the smaller pink circles around the outside are contributors to the central repository (just not those with the most commits, or supported through ORCA). Apart from that central repository, all other repositories are turquoise. When there are at least two repositories from the same owner, a circle for that owner is shown in yellow.

CIRCLE SIZE | The size of the contributor circles is based on the number of commits they made to the central mozilla/pdf.js repository. The size of the repositories circles is based on the number of stars it has received on GitHub. For owner circles it is the combined number of stars from all the repositories that are linked to it in this visual. There is one exception, the size of the central repository is always enlarged to a fixed size and not determined by the number of stars.

FULLY OPAQUE vs TRANSPARENT REPOSITORIES | If you look closer you might notice that some repository circles are partly transparent and have a smaller central opaque dot in the center. These are repositories that are not "impacted" by any contributor in this visualization that has received ORCA. The fully opaque repository circles, on the other hand, have at least one contributor that has received ORCA for their work on pdf.js (hover over the repository to see how many ORCA recipients are connected to it).

INNER & OUTER PURPLE RINGS | The top contributors are placed in a circle around the central repository. They are ordered by their first commit time to it, starting from the top ("noon") and going clockwise. Furthermore, they are divided into two rings. Contributors that are placed in the inner (slightly darker) purple ring have received ORCA for their contributions to mozilla/pdf.js. Whereas the outer ring shows other top contributors (based on the number of commits), who have not received ORCA.

LINES | The lines connect contributors to the repositories that they have made commits to (only showing repositories with at least 30 stars). When multiple repositories from the same owner are present in the visual, a circle for that owner is shown to which their repositories are connected.

LINE THICKNESS | The thickness of each line is determined by the number of commits made from the contributor on one end to the repository on the other end (or the combined repositories for an owner circle). When you hover over a contributor the line thickness between possible connected owner circles and their repositories updates and is rescaled to only that contributor's number of commits.

ARCS around CIRCLES | You can see small purple arcs around the contributors. This shows for how much time during the existence of mozilla/pdf.js that contributor has been active in its development. You can see a full circle as the total time between the creation of pdf.js and its most recent commit. The arc starts at the top ("noon") and time goes around clockwise. The arc around a contributor shows during what span of that time this person made their first and most recent commit to pdf.js.

When you hover over a contributor you might see pink arcs around the repositories that are connected to them. The idea is the same as the purple arcs, but now you can see for how much time that contributor has been active for each of the repositories that they are connected to. Often it can be only one or two commits, which won't visibly show an arc because the time scale is too short. If you want to investigate any of the repositories that a certain contributor is connected to, click on the contributor to fix all of their connected repositories in place and hover over each to reveal even more information.

INTERACTION | Hover over any circle to see all of its connections; From a contributor to all the repositories that they've worked on or from one repository to all of the (top) contributors that have worked on it. Click on a circle to fix the visual with all the circle's links highlighted to better investigate its network of direct connections.


What is ORCA

ORCA (the "Open Retrospective Compensation Agreement") is an experimental retroactive funding model for open source contributors to receive financial compensation for their contributions. ORCA recipients receive an award that reflects the value of their contribution to the hosting organization’s activities.


The importance of open source projects in today’s software development ecosystem highlights the growing need for new funding models to sustain the work of volunteers around the globe. ORCA is a way for companies to recognize and fund non-employee contributors to the projects that enable their businesses, which is an important contribution to the longevity of the community.

ORCA in Practice

ORCA provides organizations with a streamlined process for committing funds back to their contributor base. To participate in funding with ORCA, a company begins by opening a contributor fund as a share of their revenue. Each quarter, teams identify the highest-impact work from non-employees to selected projects, and use their contributor fund to commit funds to pay the contributors. Through ORCA, open source contributors are recognized for the way that their work unlocks business potential and accelerates innovation through working in the open.

The ORCA recipients for mozilla/pdf.js

Below is a list of the people that have received ORCA from Mozilla for making noteworthy contributions to pdf.js. These people have not been compensated through other means, such as being an employee of Mozilla.

  • Jonas Jenwald | A major contributor, who has a huge impact on the project.
  • Tim van der Meij | A major contributor, who has a huge impact on the project.


Only repositories that have at least 30 stars have been taken into account. Contributors could have made commits to repositories with fewer stars (or private ones). Those repositories are not visualized here.

During the data preparation and analysis phase we tried to group the top contributors to a unique person by grouping all commits coming from the same email address and/or coming from the exact same name. The name that was used the most for all these commits is taken as the contributor's "name".

You can find the code and explanation on how to apply it to other repositories in this visual's GitHub repository.

Try adding /?repo=terraform to the URL to see this visual applied to a different repository.

Visualization Designed & Created by Nadieh Bremer | Visual Cinnamon
Made possible through the MIECO program of Mozilla.

An interactive visualization of the top contributors to a GitHub repository and their connections to other repositories