The visualization below reveals the values of the five 'freedom of expression' pillars per country, where each value is a number between 0 and 1, the higher the better. These 176 countries provide both the opportunity to compare each country to the rest of the World, plus the option to zoom in and explore the separate values of one country in particular (try hovering or clicking countries that you're interested in).

Use the buttons below to create a focus on a specific region, or to order all of the countries by one of the five pillars, instead of the average of all 5 values.

The visualization below reveals the values of the five 'freedom of expression' pillars per country, where each value is a number between 0 and 1, the higher the better.

These 'pentafoils' are available for 176 countries. Use the search box below to see the results for a country in particular. (You can also see an overview of all countries at once on a larger screen.)

Highlight a Region

Order by a 'Freedom of Expression' value

Ordered by the Average of all 5 values |

Created by Nadieh Bremer | Visual Cinnamon